Ensure Compliance With Ease

Simplify the process of meeting legal and regulatory requirements with our comprehensive compliance solutions for industrial and corporate sectors.

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Meet all legal & regulatory requirements

Our compliance solution covers a wide range of industrial and corporate Compliances, ensuring that your business operates within the boundaries of the law and meets all regulatory requirements.

Minimize risk & penalties

By utilizing our compliance solutions, you can minimize the risk of non-compliance and avoid costly penalties.Stay ahead of chanfing regulations and ensure the long-term success of your business.


Industrial & Corporate Compliances

NOC from Groundwater Authority

Every industrial/commercial establishment should have to obtain permission/NOC from Ground Water Authority of the concerned state for abstraction of ground water to prevent from penal actions under the relevant provisions.

Building Plan Approval and Factory License

Under the provision of Factory Act 1948 (as amended till date), Building Plan approval & factory license is mandatory to all the industrial establishment.

CLU/NOC from T & CP

Before starting any construction activities for establishment of any industrial unit (except Govt. approved industrial area), it is mandatory to obtain NOC/CLU from Town & Country Planning department of concerned state.

NOC/CTE, CTO & Authorization

Under the provision of Water Act 1974 & AIr Act 1981, every industrial unit should have to obtain CTE/NOC from concerned state Pollution Control Board or committe and thereafter begin starting operational activities, consent to operate is required..

Get In Touch With Us

Liaise Forum

Facilitating seamless compliance with a plethora of regulatory requirements, empowering business to thrive while ensuring environmental sustainability and legal adherence..

#680, Sector - 30, Pinjore
Distt. - Panchkula, Haryana 134102

+91 9812899424
+91 9996188815